Title | Description |
Data Owner | Core Participant having complete control over the data it makes available in the International Data Spaces; defines the terms and conditions of use of its data. |
Data Sovereignty | Data Sovereignty can be defined as a natural person’s or corporate entity’s capability of being entirely self-determined with regard to its data. |
Data Space | A Data Space is a virtual data integration concept defined as a set of participants and a set of relationships among them, where participants provide their data resources and computing services. Data Spaces have following design principles: a) data resides in its sources; b) only semantic integration of data and no common data schema; c) nesting and overlaps are possible; d) spontaneous networking of data, data visiting and coexistence of data are enabled. Within one Data Ecosystem, several Data Spaces can emerge. |
Digital Twin (DT) | The DT is a virtual representation of assets and has the following characteristics: - The DT has at least one Catena-X-wide unique ID. By using aspects, the DT can refer to other DTs to express "part of" or "consists of" relationships. |
Direct emissions | Greenhouse gas emissions from the processes owned or controlled by the reporting company. |
Downstream emissions | Indirect greenhouse gas emissions that occur in the value chain downstream of the processes that the reporting company itself operates or controls. |
Title | Description |